"The meaning of life is to find your gift.
The purpose of life is to share it.”
~ Pablo Picasso
Click Me & Catch the Early Bird
· Do you know your life purpose?
· Are you still searching for meaning?
· Do you have a sense there is something more for you in this life?
· Do you feel your success is being sabotaged?
Are You?
At a crossroads not knowing which path to follow
Wanting to be doing something completely different with your life
right now
Questioning your career or business choice. Is it really best suited to
your natural talents and gifts
Needing clarity on where to best focus your energy
Wishing you had better relationships
Knowing you need to take better care of your health
Feeling completely stuck and knowing you are capable of so much more
When you don’t know your purpose, your direction in life, your reason for living, your energy is sending out mixed messages and the universe delivers only some of the things you want. It also delivers some of the things you don’t want because there is no clear and specific direction for it to bring you what you desire.
With No Direction We can’t focus our energy. We hold ourselves back from being our unique, special, and amazing selves. We don’t live our Soul’s Purpose . We feel frustrated, uninspired and unfulfilled.
With no direction, no purpose and no focus we create a thinking cycle which leads us to believe we can’t change things. We loose our motivation to do very much and end up taking no action for change which results in nothing changing and a conformation is created that we can’t change things. Round and round we go giving up and loosing our right to happiness and success.
You Could
On Instead
Your LifeCode Blueprint has the answers. It’s:
Your Master Plan
Your Game Plan
Your Soul’s Blueprint for Living on Earth
Your Magnet for attracting Abundance, Happiness
Your Fulfillment of your Soul’s Purpose
How you can uniquely enrich the world.
Imagine how different your life would be if you…
Felt energised and excited about your life everyday
Knew that you’re spending time on things that cater to your talents and strengths
Have clarity about which step to take next in your life
Feel confident in who you are and what makes you special
Feel empowered and keep on track to creating the life you want
To have all this, you need to get to know – and love – your unique gifts. Your greatest power comes from knowing who you are and what makes you unique.
When you embrace your unique gifts and consciously know your destiny there is a profound impact on your life.
You become a magnet for attracting people, experiences and opportunities that are in alignment with your soul’s essence.
You reconnect with the souls who agreed your LifeCode Blueprint with you.
Your purpose is fulfilled
You raise your vibration and overall happiness
Your health improves and vitality increases
You attract more abundance and sense of accomplishment
It ultimately saves you time and energy in knowing what to focus on that will bring you the greatest abundance, vitality and joy throughout your life. There is no other feeling like the deep, inner knowing that you are living the life that brings out the best in you.
The Gift of Reincarnation
There is a beautiful space gifted to us between death and rebirth. It’s a space for reflection and planning. We get to look at what was achieved, what was left undone and what we learned from the life we have just left. Next we get to consider what we want to experience in our new life, who we want to have in our family groups, the people we want to meet, the challenges we want to take on, the gifts we want to use, the goals we want to pursue and ultimately our purpose for this new lifetime.
It is in this space we design our LifeCode Blueprint
What’s in a LifeCode Blueprint?
The planning we do before we’re born is very detailed. It includes everything we want to experience, our parents, siblings, friends, (even enemies), Where and when we will be born, homes we will live in, schools we will go to, we chose an area to struggle with in both the worldly realm and in our spiritual development, we pick natural gifts and talents that will help us in life and when applied fully they counteract our challenges, we set a path of development and enlightenment in our goals area and we chose a life path that helps us transcend and serve others.
There is no real linear timeframe to the planning but it involves all the people you need to fully experience your planned life. It is done as a network meeting if you like, where each soul attends and agrees a specific role they will play for you in your life and you in theirs. It has been channelled to show that as we plan, we take on the names we will use and even the physical characteristics of our new human form in order to recognise each other as we progress through our planned life.
If you’ve ever experienced Déjà vu when you’ve met someone or come across a place, name, image or something that seems familiar, this is a potential recognition of thing s and people involved in the pre-birth planning of your LifeCode Blueprint.
With all this planning you would imagine that our life would be a breeze. We should quickly recognise who should be in it, when a challenge pops up we should sail through it, we know exactly what we’re here to do and if it’s that well planned life should be simple BUT NO, that would be too easy and a bit boring if you think about it.
We Chose to forget!
When we’re born and enter the earth’s plane we forget our spiritual origins. We forget the blueprint we put such detail into. We chose this self induced amnesia. Why would we do that?
The spiritual plane is a place of eternal peace, joy, and love there is no contrast On earth - the physical plane there is contrast. On earth there is light/dark, hot/cold, good/bad, up/down, wisdom/folly, love/hate, sorrow/joy a full range of duality. In this duality and through the challenges we chose we learn. Sorrow can open us up to the experience of joy, folly teaches us wisdom, if we encounter hate it often leads to us exploring the true meaning of love.
If we came here knowing all the answers and remembering every aspect of our blueprint what would be the point? We would experience no differences between spirit and human. We would not need to experience anything or find a way through the sorrow to joy we would just know that ultimately it would work.
In order to know and accept our divinity we need to experience these aspects of humanity and as we do we create vibrational energy and learning for other souls. We are all involved in lifting the human vibration to joy, peace and love. The more we learn, the more we share, the greater our collective knowledge becomes and the transcendence of man becomes a true gift for us all.
So if I choose to forget and want to learn by experience what’s the point in knowing my LifeCode Blueprint?
For the last two centuries at least we have lived in a fast paced world of inventions and scientific discoveries which on the whole have benefitted us all but underlying to that a dissatisfaction has developed. As life speeds up through the nano second connections of the internet we are flooded with worldwide news. We instantly become aware of global crisis, human struggles, differing values and their impact on the world at large. We hear of big businesses controlling the developments of cures for cancer, developing vaccines for diseases they created or delaying the release of environmentally beneficial practises all based on a monetary gain rather than a societal gain. We get to share the lives of the rich and famous and maybe begin to question the true value that these beings are bringing to society. We get to see some of the worst forms of human depravity and the depth of society. We get to see some of the worst forms of human depravity and the depth of struggles of our fellow man. We experience frustration as we loose faith in our governments and world leaders to do what they promised.
Equally, we get to hear extraordinary stories of human endurance, of people succeeding no matter what. We can easily share in the lives of millions of people who are making a difference and helping to change other’s lives for the better. However, this too causes frustration because we feel as if we’re falling short in our own lives.This frustration builds up over time and ultimately disempowers us. We end up living life in a trance forgetting what we came here for and feeling like life is just a humdrum cycle of disappointment. We stop experiencing anything of value and believe that there is no real joy in life. Ultimately our learning by experience is falling way short of what we originally planned and this is having a global effect on humanity.
So many of us are living in a bubble of sleep - wake - work - eat - sleep - REPEAT.
We NOW have the ability to rediscover our original plan and immediately begin to live with purpose, with passion, and with intention.
Taking advantage of the insights available in your LifeCode Blueprint instantly creates a boost in energy. It gives us back HOPE and BELIEF that our life has a REASON, a PURPOSE and a DIRECTION. Knowing your LifeCode Blueprint means you can live with JOY.
It immediately brings a relief and stops the frustration.
It gives us back a knowing and an instant acceptance of what
our individual life is about and how by living out our plan we
too can have an impact on humanity. The beauty of this
impact is that it brings positivity to the world and it helps
disperse the global numbness and frustration for ourselves
and everyone we meet.
When you are living with your LifeCode Blueprint knowledge your energy vibration immediately goes up, your communication levels escalate and people you meet want to know what it is that makes you so HAPPY. As our friends and family see the change in us and how we deal with our lives they want to know how to recreate that for themselves and we naturally become sharers and teachers of how knowing your Blueprint makes life an amazing journey of discovery, of learning, and of loving.
What’s Involved in the workshop
Your Unique LifeCode Blueprint: Using your birth name LifeCode Blueprint uses a new interpretation of an ancient system of life purpose analysis. It works on the conscious and unconscious level and promises to bring you greater freedom, connection, satisfaction, healing and life purpose activation. It connects you with your own intuition, your identity, your soul It gives you an entirely new and fascinating way of seeing your life.
Gematria is the method of calculation. Frank Alper contributed the inspired method of spiralling the Hebrew vibrations of our name around a ‘Star of Creation’ that could be seen as an energetic structure overlaying the person. The interpretations have been modernised and expanded by Blue Marsden (Soul Plan) who has also channelled additional material which highlights the theme of non duality. I use these methods as my foundation to generate a chart that will depict your LifeCode Blueprint.
On DAY 1
¨ LifeCode Blueprint origins - an brief look at how a Blueprint is designed and interpreted.
¨ Your unique Star of Creation - your first look at your own unique Blueprint .
¨ Worldly Aspects - discovering the challenges, talents, and goals you set for yourself. Where are you sabotaging your success? What potentially unconscious limiting beliefs are you carrying? What talents are already active for you? What talents need to be acknowledged and activated? Have you been on the right path to your goals so far or is it more like a detour?
¨ Tuning into your Intuition - working with partners you’ll discover the power of paying attention to your intuition. You’ll discover those hunches we so very often push away as not important are actually our soul’s way of keeping us on the right track for our blueprint plans.
¨ Practical Steps - what can you do to activate more of the positive energy in your blueprint? What techniques will help you embody your unique talents, build your energetic magnetism and increase the effectiveness of your worldly journey?
¨ Reflection & Intuitive Practise - as a homework exercise you will reflect on the day’s content and it’s specific impact for you. A symbol drawing exercise will help sharpen your intuitive knowledge of the energies in the Worldly Aspect of your blueprint allowing you to chose new actions, beliefs, and directions if needed.
DAY 2:
¨ Reflection and Q&A from Day 1 - a quick roundup of day 1 with the opportunity to ask questions.
¨ Spiritual Aspects - as in the Worldly Aspects a look at the Spiritual challenges, talents, and goals side of your blueprint. We get to explore the ultimate Soul Destiny you have chosen and how best to embody this to aid your transcendence in this lifetime. What is it you are uniquely qualified to do and how do you activate the gifts to help yourself and others.
¨ Tuning into Intuition¨ Practical Steps
¨ LifeCode Blueprint Activation - LifeCode Blueprint Healing and Higher Purpose Alignment Grace Clearing Process. This is clearing of any blockages past, present or future within your blueprint and energy fields. Once this is activated a process of energy healing and clearing begins. You will be connected with YOURSELF and YOUR PURPOSE. The journey to fulfilment has begun.
If this has sparked your curiosity, and you are ready to extract your brilliance...
If you’re ready to take up your unique place in this world…
If you are ready to feel confident and enjoy what makes you Special?
You are at a point in your life where Now is a PERFECT time to have your LifeCode Blueprint fully activated.
Register for the course and help me live my life’s purpose of helping you succeed.
It lights me up when I help other souls shine their brilliant light into this world by being completely confident in who they are and the path they are here to travel. I love seeing them sharing who they truly are and because of that they actually enrich the lives of others.
You Could
Feel Confident
Feel Focused
Feel Energised
Feel Vitalised
Feel Joyful
Feel Happiness
Feel Abundant
Feel Healthy
Feel Alive
Click Me & Catch the Early Bird
Next Workshop
Dates: TBA
Venue: TBA
Times: 10am - 5pm
Early Bird ends TBA
Click Me & Catch the Early Bird