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Example Readings

JOHN LENNON (1940– 80) Birth name: John Winston Lennon, founder member of the Beatles, songwriter and peace campaigner.

































John came in with an 11-2 Worldly Challenge. He had his own way of seeing things, which didn’t gel with the norm and though highly intelligent he didn’t shine academically. An 11-2 Challenge also meant he was dealing with the polarity of life/ death, which often means having to come to terms with loss, transition or the changing cycles of life. In his case there were issues around the absence of his father while he was growing up and the eventual loss of his mother.


However with a 10-1 Talent he was here to be of great service and had a clear spiritual connection and, as is often the case with 10-1 Worldly Talents, had a great gift of vocal expression.


 In the ‘Careers, Goals and making the most of your Talents’ section you can see that 7-7 Goals are about learning to connect to others. They are not necessarily as immediately friendly and obviously open as someone holding the 7-7 energy in Talents, but often their magnetic appeal can be even stronger. They are here to connect with others, be part of a team and work as part of a group magnetically attracting others. This was a key factor in his desire to form a group with the other Beatles and quite likely an energy that some of the others shared.


 Interestingly, John’s Spiritual Challenge and Talent were the same. He therefore had a Dominant Vibration of the 8-8 energy (four 8s) that, when it shows in the Spiritual aspect of the chart, can indicate a real talent to get spiritual energy into society in a way that can be understood by everyone.


 However an 8-8 Challenge will often show in someone who is aware of their spiritual connection yet part of them is very resistant to engaging with the world and sharing it. There is a sense of not being bothered with it all, not wanting to be here and wanting to escape (which John Lennon spoke openly about doing on occasion through various means).


Fortunately, the Spiritual Talent 8-8 held the perfect antidote to help him overcome this Challenge and furthermore actually bring the spiritual energy into society in a way that was real and people could relate to.


This ability allowed him to reach his Spiritual Goal 22-4 (energies of completion), which involved teaching at an extremely high level and relaying a complete message… it doesn’t get more complete than ‘love and peace’.


The Soul Destiny 12-3 (energies of expansion) indicates a great desire to accumulate love and knowledge and really connect with the soul. The 12-3 expands the sharing of love, knowledge and spirit in society and magnifies the 7-7s ability to reach groups (so this could occur on a global scale). The 8-8s (relating to all) helped him keep it real and get the message to the people. So, in summary and putting any personality idiosyncrasies aside, it is easy to see why many spiritual commentators would consider him a Master soul who came here in total service with a mission to act as a figurehead in heralding a transformational message that was quite revolutionary at the time.







DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES (1961– 97) Name: Diana Frances Spencer, member of the British Royal Family and charity fundraiser.

































Diana initially faced the 14-5 Worldly Challenge that, in her case, may have meant she was lacking boundaries, a bit stubborn and would spend a lot of time trying to discover herself in the reflection of others (as she got a little older this could have involved intense sexual/ romantic relationships due to the influence of the 12-3 potentially strong sexual energy coming through).


 You may possibly have noticed too that her chart is

made up entirely of combination numbers such as 17-8 as opposed to double numbers such as an 8-8. Too many combinations can present too many possibilities in life and may leave some people a little scatty and directionless until they learn to focus themselves.


 Her Talent 20-2s, however, allowed her to move beyond the cultural restrictions of her background. Her energies were flowing (more like a dancer), which allowed movement beyond the stiffness and rigidity of her more cloistered origins and facilitated her exploring other avenues and less conventional pursuits.


 Indeed her Worldly Goals (17-8 – speech and emphasis in society) involved overcoming any sense of personal oppression and also getting her truth into the world. Some might say she achieved this through the documentary she filmed with the journalist Martin Bashir (broadcast November 1995).


 However, in the second part of her chart, we can see that it was a natural progression for her to move more directly into the healing and service energies – those two 10-1s and a great love (12-3) that she was increasingly connecting with. The 12-3 Spiritual Talent (expansion of love and knowledge) was now combining with the exploratory nature of the Worldly 20-2s to fuel her search within and ever-growing interest in the spiritual and alternative health field.


 Many talked of her healing and comforting aura 

particularly with children. This combination of healing and comfort would have come from the blending of the 2s (from the 20-2 Talent and 11-2 Soul Destiny) with the 10-1s (high frequency healing energies) and the mothering aspect is a characteristic of the 12-3s, too.


 The Soul Destiny of 11-2 involves becoming a ‘rock’ and support in other people’s lives, so it is strange that she was known for seeking that quality in others but this was the 14-5 (finding yourself in others) at play. To embody the qualities of the 11-2 is to connect with the strengths of Venus, which are love and harmony and involve bringing through your truth.


 Some have suggested her higher purpose was to help open the heart chakra of the British people that was actualized in the reaction to her death.





Examples extracted from - Marsden, Blue (2012-12-07). Soul Plan: Reconnect with Your True Life Purpose (Kindle Locations 5406-5410). Hay House. Kindle Edition. 

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